玩轉商圈一起購-商圈小旅行【漫遊天母-島內出國 X 地方記憶】台/英文版

玩轉商圈一起購-商圈小旅行【漫遊天母-島內出國 X 地方記憶】
玩轉商圈一起購-商圈小旅行【漫遊天母-島內出國 X 地方記憶】


 真歡喜參加台北市商業處舉辦ê商圈嘉年華活動,天母舊名三角埔,有台北美國學校 、台北市日僑學校,加上1950~1979年美軍在台灣活動聚集,是充滿著異國文化氣氛ê所在,佇咧短短五十公尺ê街仔路,就有幾若種無仝國家ê店頭佮餐廳,袂輸聯合國咧,天母對我來講是家己一ê國、一ê島,就算無愛踏出天母嘛會當蹛一世人。 讀高中ê時,拄好有規ê--ah同窗蹛咧天母,逐家較會相招去遐𨑨迌,食知多家ê phu̍h-ting、麻布茶房ê燒番薯ái-sú-khu-lìn-mù、廣田洋菓子ê hah-hù,去看Haagen-Dazs誠媠ê樓仔厝,一直到今仔日,有一寡餐廳已經收起來矣,車牌仔腳遐ê舊建築物猶原佇遐,三玉宮猶原保持甲遮爾好,十幾冬過去,天母第一好額厝變做三玉宮ê背景,其他閣有啥物變化咧? 阮對GUUDNEST雙語(英語、華語)教室做頭一站,伊是浸水式予人佇英語環境內底,教人客做料理;遮ê氣氛予我想起曼谷,曼谷ê商業發達有誠濟外國人家庭移去遐,好額ê人真好額,橐袋仔誠深,較願意嘛較有才調投資囡仔ê教育,佇咧曼谷ê時陣看過袂少,這款ê雙語教育體驗廚房;長時間踮佇兩種語言以上ê環境大漢,囡仔敢有可能偌頇顢?外語上無嘛敢講出嘴,外文閣較袂曉嘛看甲慣勢矣!來到GUUDNEST感覺真感慨,本底樂暢嘛是想欲做按呢!阮認為本土語言佮外語學習攏真重要,in代表無仝款ê意義, 做夥學毋免相拍;仝款經營型態佇天母、信義區、大安區會通,其他地區煞無一定會通,這擺做phí-sah過程誠簡單,環境四序、內容包裝完整、工作人員態度親切,莫怪網路頂懸評論誠好呢! 行到古早ê信仰中心,1947年起ê三玉宮,朱紅色ê柱仔,厝尾頂有夠媠閣氣派,干焦看厝尾頂就知影是符合南方式ê宮廟建築特色,這馬三玉宮ê背景加入一棟天母第一懸38樓建築,是按怎中山北路ê兩爿攏無重起?天母第一好額厝卻會使起遮大坪數,閣起遮懸咧?阮阿爸講「天母第一懸」是建商整合公家佮私人土地都市更新ê結果。古早天母攏是別莊,中山北路實施道路拓寬了後,彼陣流行攏起四層以上ê公寓,下跤店面,頂懸徛家,本來攏是透天厝,後來才拆做一層一戶分開賣。1993年台北市對建蔽率改做容積率管制,改制進前逐家搶欲起厝,改做容積率管制了後,重起坪數會起較少,屋主感覺條件無夠好,致使真濟人無愛重起,就保持一直到tann。 後來導覽老師紮阮去兩間賣點心ê,一間叫食看覓(吃吃看Tasters) ,自1981年開業到這馬;另外一間較新派,是大提琴家陳世霖,佮伊ê先輩小松真次郎共同創立,店名號做ISM,兩間店是完全無仝風格,攏真出名。行到天和公園歇睏日人足濟ê,囡仔佮狗仔攏足濟ê呢!公園閣不止仔大,行到上內底看番丼沸泉,伊毋是溫泉喔是湧泉呢!上頂懸ê彼窟水,佮下跤lô lô--ê無仝,足透明閣清氣,水底ê魚仔泅來泅去,逐家心情攏輕鬆起來矣。阮佇咧公園拄著兩ê人,主動行過來相借問,一ê是天和里里長姓莊,另外一ê是無熟似ê阿伯,伊講:「恁是對佗位來?歡迎恁來天母𨑨迌!」,阮這寡台北來ê「外地仔」是有淡薄仔sinn-hūn,一開始無人共伊回應,伊就繼續講歡迎來𨑨迌,敢講這就是天母人對地方ê認同感、尊榮感?天母式ê「國民外交」。  上尾站是早就知影,但是毋捌去過店頭ê老朋友,意大利ái-sú-khu-lìn-mù店名號做on the road,進前樂暢辦家己做尖餅殼活動ê時陣,有邀請頭家來鬥鬧熱,親身替囡仔挖冰,in兜ê ái-sú-khu-lìn-mù專治無愛食冰ê「患者」,逐種口味攏好食,尤其是果子口味ê,現食有影上好食;哇~蹛咧台灣實在有夠幸福呢!有足濟好食ê物件會使選,實在足好矣!行到遮那食冰,活動就佇咧鬧熱滾滾ê天母野球場對面結束矣;暗頓本來想欲去洋蔥食牛排,想袂到客滿無訂位食無。繼續行啊行啊,行到毋捌去過ê士東市場二樓看覓,以傳統市場ê標準,in ê 便所是百貨公司級ê,冷氣開到足強矣,內底真清氣,便所若是保持了清氣,其他部分應該嘛袂傷垃圾;落尾去大葉高島屋,看覓天母代表性百貨公司變做啥物款矣?大大ê水族箱頂懸半圓ê玻璃電梯,佮台北喜來登飯店相像,是彼時代上時行ê款式,啥人一直烏白講Takashimaya欲倒矣?攏無人客,明明攏是人嘛! 天母矣天母矣,伊猶原是彼ê驕傲ê、高級ê、注重品質ê家己一國,地方特色一直攏誠明顯,聽人講天母ê房市已經較無好,整個ê商業發展嘛佮信義商圈、東區商圈袂比咧,我認為店家佮居民誠注重區域長期發展,商圈有特色,值得其他地區學習;這擺行踏,予阮閣較了解台北,真希望全台北、甚至全台灣,無仝地區攏會使發展隨人ê特色,逐家攏會當親像天母人同仝,了解家己蹛ê所在,發揮在地ê精神。

#玩轉商圈 #商圈嘉年華 #臺北市商業處 #漫遊天母Guudnest 吃吃看Tasters ISM On the RoadLe Second Floor Kids Studio 樂暢親子共學空間#親子友善 #出租空間 #派對慶生 #母語友善#歡迎邀稿 #台文版#本文嘛有華文版佮英文版

[Shopping District Carnival: A Tour around Tianmu] 2021-11-07

It was a pleasure to attend the Shopping District Carnival organized by Taipei City Office of Commerce. With an old name called Sann-kak-poo, Tianmu is an area with exotic cultures and atmosphere. Taipei American School and Taipei Japanese School are located here, the US soldiers gathered here during 1950~1979, and on the street of merely 50 m sees various stores and themed restaurants with the features of different countries-the place feels like a small UN. For me, Tianmu is just like an independent country where people can live throughout their whole life without leaving the area.

Back in my high school days, there were several classmates living in Tianmu. We thus often visited the area, enjoying Chitaka's pudding, Azabu Sabo's sweet potato ice cream, HIROTA Cake Atelier's profiteroles, etc., and viewing the beautiful western-style building of the Häagen-Dazs branch in Tianmu. Today, while some of the restaurants have been closed, the old buildings near the bus stops are still standing there. More than ten years have passed, yet the time does not dim the magnificence of Tianmu Sanyu Temple, only adding the greatest residential skyscraper later built in Tianmu to the temple's background. What else has been changed?

The tour started from GUUDNEST, a bilingual (English x Mandarin) education studio providing an immersive learning space for people to learn cooking in an English-speaking environment. This place reminded me of Bangkok. The city's great commercial development has helped attract numerous foreigners to emigrate to Thailand. As these foreigners are relatively rich and willing to invest for children's education, cooking lessons with a bilingual environment are quite common in Bangkok. There's no way the children growing up in an environment of two languages or more have poor language skills. Even if they might not be good at the languages at first, they are at least willing to speak the languages and will finally get used to the writing systems after long-term immersion. GUUDNEST stirred up my emotions. We, Le Second Floor Studio, were thinking of doing similar things. As local and foreign languages have different meanings behind them, we consider both local language learning and foreign language learning to be important. However, the business model works in Tianmu or districts such as Xinyi and Daan while maybe not in other areas. The pizza making process was simple, and with the comfortable environment, complete packaging and kind workers, no wonder GUUDNEST has received favorable comments and recognition online!

Next, we were at the religious center in the early days-Sanyu Temple. Built in 1947, Sanyu Temple has vermilion pillars and magnificent, awe-inspiring roofs with Southern Min architecture features. A 38-story building, which is the highest building in Tianmu, has been added to the temple's background. Why weren't the buildings along Zhongshan N. Road reconstructed? How come the construction company was able to build such a tall building with a large area? According to my father, the great building was the result of urban renewal through the integration of public and private lands by the construction company. In the past, there were mainly villas in Tianmu. After the road widening of Zhongshan N. Road, people built up houses with more than four stories, the first floor as the storefronts and the stories above as residences. Each of the houses was initially for one family, but later, the unit sold to a family was a story instead of a whole house. In 1993, Taipei City's land management standard was going to be changed from building coverage ratio to floor area ratio, so people hurried and built houses before the implementation of new regulations. After the floor area ratio control was imposed, new construction cases were given smaller land sizes, which made house owners think that the deal was not good enough and thus refuse to have the houses reconstructed. As a result, the buildings remained unreconstructed.

Later, the guide brought us to Tasters and ISM, two well-known dessert stores with their own distinctive styles. The former was founded in 1981, while the latter was established jointly by the violoncellist called Shih-Lin Chen (陳世霖) and his senpai Shinjiro Komatsu (小松真次郎) in a trendy style. We then walked to Tianhe Park, a rather big park with many kids and dogs. It was the weekend, so there were lots of people. We headed deep into the park to Aboriginal Well Bubbling Spring-it was so special that the spring was artesian water instead of hot spring water! The pond at the top, different from the relatively turbid water in other downstream parks, was crystal clear. Fish swimming in the water was a relaxing scene unfolding before us. In the park we met two people who greeted us, one was Mr. Chuang, the Chief of Tianhe Village, and another was a man we did not know. "Where are you from? Welcome to Tianmu!" The man said. We, the "outsiders" from Taipei, were like deer in the headlights. We did not know how to reply at first, but he kept saying welcome with hospitality. This must be Tianmu people's sense of identity and pride in the place, I guess. The "civil diplomacy" in Tianmu style was impressive.

The last stop was On the Road, an Italian ice cream shop that I had heard about for a long time while I had had no chance to visit. In the past, we held an ice cream cone making party in Le Second Floor Kids Studio and invited the shop keeper of On the Road to scoop ice cream for the kids. On the Road's ice cream was so tasty that even people who were not very big on ice cream liked it. All flavors in the shop were amazing, especially the fruit ones, and enjoying the ice cream on-site brought the greatest joy-what a happiness it is to live in Taiwan! There are just so many great foods to choose from in our country. The activity came to a perfect end across the lively Tianmu Baseball Stadium as we enjoyed the dessert. We thought of dining in Cafe Onion Restaurant for steaks, but it turned out that the crowded restaurant had no table for us. Continuing walking, we came to the second floor of Shi-dong Market, where we had never been before. As a traditional market, it had restrooms like the ones in department stores, with cool AC and a clean environment. Clean restrooms usually imply that the other parts of the place won't be dirty as well. At last, we went to Dayeh Takashimaya to see how the iconic department store in Tianmu was like now. Having a huge aquarium with semicircular glass elevators above, it got a design similar to that of Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel. This kind of design was the most fashionable style in the past. By the way, who on earth said Takashimaya had no customers and were about to be out of business? The place was full of people!

Time has flown by, but Tianmu is still the prideful noble focusing on quality as before; the local characteristic has always been that unique. It's said that the housing market in Tianmu is no longer that competitive, and the business development is not as good as those of Xinyi Shopping District and Eastern District of Taipei, but in my opinion, the local stores and residents has paid close attention to long-term development and kept their own features, which is something other districts should learn. Through this little tour, we learned more about Taipei. I sincerely hope that the whole Taipei, or every area throughout Taiwan can develop its own features, and that everyone can know the place he/she lives at and be proud of his/her hometown just as Tianmu people do.

#Tianmu #ThinnBú

Guudnest 吃吃看Tasters ISM On the Road

#ChildrenFriendly #SpaceRental

#TaipeiCityOfficeCommerce #RoamingTianmu

#BirthdayParty #MotherTongueFriendly

#WelcomeInvitation #EnglishVersion